Older Years is a before and after school provision that serves Lightcliffe CofE Primary.
We provide a breakfast club that starts at 7:30am and then the children walk to school on foot, arriving there at 8:20am.
After school, we pick up from Lightcliffe CofE Primary at 3:05pm and walk 5 minutes back to base. We have two smaller half an hour groups for snack, starting our first snack group at 3:45pm then the second group at 4:15pm. All the children have a teatime snack where they are encouraged to eat something that is put out that day. They are more than welcome to have seconds (or thirds in some cases!)
Whilst at after school club some of the school children play happily with the younger Early Years children and have proved to be great role models for the Preschoolers. The children play board games, do some physical activity in the hall, have role play adventures, practice their culinary skills or fine tune their ICT skills.
Fees and Times
Older Years Breakfast club session 07:30am - 8:40am, Fee's TBC term time only
Older Years After School session 3:10pm - 6:00pm, Fee's TBC (These prices are reviewed every April).